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Farming on the High Desert

by Shane Artman

Farming on the high desert is a challenge; yet, there can be great rewards. Some challenges farmers are faced with include bugs, water, weather, and supply/demand. These all play into the ability of a farmer to be profitable enough to continue to survive.

Bugs are some of the most destructive parts of farming. They can devour your effort and work in a few weeks and spread disease amongst the plants. Because the farm will typically produce similar plants in a consolidated area, the bugs that thrive will plume to massive numbers quickly. This will provide destruction to the point of such a small harvest that the cost for the harvest can outweigh the revenue received.

Weather and Water are critical to growing crops and the high desert does not provide enough water from rains over the land. When the weather does decide to provide rain, it can be unpredictable and generate winds that cause lodging of grains, damage to harvests that are drying, and more. If herbicides were used to control the bugs, the weather may still destroy any harvest you were hoping for.

Supply and demand are another form of devastation on the farm. Because of other farms that have had similar successes and failures as a result of bugs, weather, and water will result in over-supply or lack-thereof. This can cause prices to fluctuate from one extreme or another.

While farming is challenge and a difficult way of life, for many it is the only life they would choose. There is a gentleness that comes from farming that cannot be seen elsewhere. Farmers are a unique breed of people that provide this country the nourishment needed to survive. Thank you high desert farmers for your milk, grains, and way of life!

Sunset Over Farm with Trees